How to get Nox working online as of August 4th (0.31.0):
Exact coordinates to use:
45.030099624523345, -93.31930071115494
Screen resolutions, where to put Nox on-screen while running this macro:
Edit: Many people want this to work for bluestacks so I made resolutions for bluestacks. The thing to make sure is that the actual Pokemon GO application is inside the region where it's white/also says bluestacks:
I used a generic macro program to make this, I used to make these small macros when I didn't use bots that sent requests right to the server. It took a while & it's not very efficient but it still works, if this doesn't work try making a macro with this.
(These are the 2 main files needed) Download the macro program along with the Pokémon catcher macro I created:
Complete comprehensive tutorial (click on the images to enlarge them):
Here are other recordings I made with this program, test them out when you encounter a Pokémon:
Here is info about the old API and the new API niantic is using:
The new API is yet to be decrypted
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Find fixes for problems in these edits:
Edit 1 If you don't want this macro utilizing your whole computer try using 'VirtualBox', though I've never used it
Edit 2 If Nox is freezing every 30 minutes~ make a .bat file that ends Nox every 30 minutes and download BotStarter here:
BotStarter restart function might work, test it out before using it:
CheckDelayInSeconds=20 <<< Keep this at 5 - 20 seconds, the interval between a task check for paths in BotStarter.ini
AutoRestartInMinutes=60 <<< Test this, try 1 minute & if it works then set it to 30
BotStarter restart function might work, test it out before using it:
CheckDelayInSeconds=20 <<< Keep this at 5 - 20 seconds, the interval between a task check for paths in BotStarter.ini
AutoRestartInMinutes=60 <<< Test this, try 1 minute & if it works then set it to 30
Edit 3 Fix fixed window size: Go to "System Settings" (the notch icon at the top) in Nox and find "Interface" and turn fixed size & fixed landscape display off.
Next, under "System Settings", find "Advanced" > "Startup Settings" & change that to 'tablet' and '1440x900'
If Nox is laggy, find "Performance Settings" & allocate a smaller amount of ram, and change performance to 'low'
If Nox is laggy, find "Performance Settings" & allocate a smaller amount of ram, and change performance to 'low'
Edit 4 If you get stuck when you encounter at the first pixel recognition, make sure the Nox client is in the exact dimensions of the box
Edit 5 The macro recording above transfers all Pokemon upon capture, here is a version that keeps all Pokemon:
Edit 6 Yes, the bot does collect Pokestops. It should be detecting the blue colour on the pokestop at top left and cycle through all 6 pokestops when it
finds that pokestop