[BOT] Pokemon Control Bot ~ Works RIGHT NOW

Pokemon Management Tool would have been a better name.....

if you are banned, its not my fault. use at your own risk.

— Main Form
– Start Bot
Login to your google account and start the program
– Settings
Apply your PTC or Google Account here
– Use Lucky Egg
Uses a lucky egg after you click start bot
– TechX Profile
Just a bunch of links and thank you’s to the PGo Rocket API guys

— Pokemon List and PokeLog
– Refreshable List of Pokemon
Displays the Pokemon currently on your account. Allows you to PowerUp/Evolve or Transfer them
Keeps track of your actions


v 1.2.1
-- Removed Country/Region Error Text. This isn't an actual error. Don't worry about it. It was visual

v. 1.2
-- New buttons added about transferring
-- Unlocked Lat/Long text boxes in settings. You can now change Lat/Long to avoid country error.
-- Made the Form wider so you don't have to scroll.

v. 1.1
-- no longer auto transfers pokemon. Transfer function is removed as well as set to none. Now you people crying that i tried to sabotage your accounts can shove it.
-- Item Recycling at Start Bot click has been removed. This WAS my mistake (not the last one, that's user error). I simply forgot about the function. Sorry. Your Items will no longer recycle at bot start.

new features soon. Figured these were big issues. If source code is wanted, I will share, although its not pretty atm lol

Get Bot Here
Direct Link To Files
SinfulAndroid Article Link